Dove's new commercial for Dove products truly shows how identity and character are misshapen in today's society. Companies and editors create images of how people should look when, in reality, it's all fake. This video starts out with a woman sitting down in front of a mirror while being bombarded by make-up artists and stylists. The average woman does not move while the video fast forwards through the applying of the make-up and styling of her hair. It then proceeds to show the photoshopping which is done by a computer specialist to make her live up to today's idea of "beauty". Then, the video starts to widen and shows the woman's face as a billboard for one of the biggest shampoo and cosmetic companies known today, Dove. The commercial tries to show how one may "evolve" by using these Dove products; however, they completely contrast with the ideas of character and identity. People are not meant to look the same, and each person should have their own identity, whether they are looked upon by society as "beautiful" or not. These TV commercials persuade America to try to be like these models who, as shown in this video, are not even themselves in the first place. With the work of technology and computer programs, these companies transform women into an image that takes away all of their character and identity and gives Americans the wrong outlook on what true beauty really is.
Nice Brett. We'll read an article on the Dove campaign later in the semester!